Sunday, February 3, 2008

He's growing so fast

We can't believe the difference even just from Christmas. Time really does fly when you're having fun. Sandy and Randy


Tom and Sharon said...

Love the new pics......he is just so cute.......looks like he is loving life and very happy. Keep them coming.


Annie said...

Awe, he is SO adorable. I miss seeing you all at church. He is growing up too fast. You gotta tell him to slow down!:)hehe
Love you Randy, Sandy, and Jack

Michelle said...

He is so adorable! I always know I can click onto your page when I need a smile!

Michelle said...

That is awesome of your daughter... Go Navy! Try not to worry too much, she will do great. My hubby said she will be fine as long as she can take orders... the easiest way to do it is to remember someday you will be the one giving the orders:) You will have to let me know where she gets stationed once her schools are all done, it would be fun to be in the same area! Does she already know what job she will be doing?


Jake and Taryn said...

He is SOO adorable! :) I also LOVE the stripes in his nursery!