Friday, December 7, 2007



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Lori, Gilbert & Ethan said...

Hey Sandy-

He is adorable!!!! Makes me want to kiss his little face! Thanks for sharing.

Michelle said...

LOL! What a great laugh! Thanks for sharing, seeing a cutie pie like that makes all of this worth it:)

Anna said...


What sweet laughter! So so cute! And I love the hair- it is still so fluffy. Thanks for sharing.

Charissa said...

OMG! He's is too cute!!!!! I love it!

Annie said...

Awe, he is so sweet! I love his laugh.:)

R&H said...

That's adorable! I just LOVE his hair! So cute

Annie said...

Hey, thanks for having us over the other day. It was SO much fun and I really enjoyed it. You all are such amazing people. What a blessing to have you in the body.:)

Annie said...

Sandy and Randy, I am so sorry. I meant to say thank you for the cute dress bag. That was really sweet of you. I really appreciate it.:) You guys have a fantastic Christmas! Love you!

Karen said...


I know where to go when I need a pick-me-up!

Karen H.